Yoga in Bed
TEACHER: Oumnia El Khazzani @oumwonders
PROPS: None needed. You can even start this practice in bed!
NOTES: This is a gentle practice, for all levels! Oumnia designed this practice to be done first thing in the morning, as a gentle wake up. Enjoy!
Up Next in Yoga
Core Stability + Awareness
None needed
Connect with Tony on Instagram @tonylupinacci -
The Lupinacci Special
No props needed, just you!NOTES
This is a powerful class! Try your best, modify when needed. :)MUSIC
If you like to practice with music, The Sacred Fig offers dozens of yoga playlists on Spotify. Seach for "Anton Brandt" on Spotify or click the link below.
The English Dancer
TEACHER: Chloe Knowlden @chloeknowlden
PROPS: A strap + a block
MUSIC: If you like to practice with music, The Sacred Fig offers dozens of yoga playlists on Spotify.