27. Breathing Muscles + Neck Stretches
Anatomy Snax
The diaphragm is the primary muscle of respiration. Accessory muscles of respiration include the intercostals, serratus anterior + posterior, scalenes, SCM, pecs, and more! Homework: try the scalene stretch on your own. What kind of breathing would you incorporate to enhance this exercise?
Up Next in Anatomy Snax
28. The Diaphragm
The thoracic diaphragm is a domed muscle located under the lungs, inside the rib basket. Homework: Close your eyes, breath slowly. As you inhale, imagine your diaphragm descending. As you exhale, imagine your diaphgragm ascending to it's relaxed position. Now scan your body as you breathe. What e...
29. Chakras + Glands
The endocrine system is our gland system, which produces hormones to circulate messages throughout the body. This western medicine system aligns well with the traditional eastern Chakra system. Homework: write down the 7 Chakras, and which glands they align with.
30. Organized Organs
Let's explore the location of our organs! Homework: Follow along with Sarah on this session. Then afterwards, see if you can trace + name the same organs without her guidance. What is the mesenteric nervous system? Describe it. Name the emotion that is associated with each organ, as described in...