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Watch 11. Let's Play Footsies

Watch 11. Let's Play Footsies


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11. Let's Play Footsies

Anatomy Snax • 3m 51s

Up Next in Anatomy Snax

  • 12. The Knee

    Let's take a closer look at the knee, including the surrounding muscles + ligaments. Homework: Explain the myo-fascial connection from the thigh to the shin. What action do the hamstrings invite? What are the three points (the tripod of the foot) that Sarah suggests cueing to in the foot, and why?

  • 13. The Thigh + Pelvis

    In this video, we'll explore the muscles + movements of the thigh + pelvis. Homework: What actions do the glutes create in the legs? What are the muscles called that are located underneath the glutes? What do they do?

  • 14. The Shoulder

    Let's explore the shoulder, specifically how the scapula glide along the rib basket. Homework: Close your eyes and move your shoulders slowly in: protraction, retraction, elevation, and depression. What muscles create each unique movement? Can you feel them?